No date without condoms, lube and wet wipes

Von Daniel Kemper
Voraussichtliche Lesedauer: 3 Minuten

Escorts have their priorities

A recent survey of more than 500 escorts on Kaufmich found out what items are essential on a date. Surprisingly, no love toys or massage oils top the list, but practical utensils like condoms, lube and wet wipes. 89.7% of respondents said condoms were essential for them, followed by lubricant at 64.5% and wet wipes at 57%. Safe sex is a top priority for escorts.

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Professionally prepared for all eventualities

No date without condoms, lube and wet wipesIn addition to these essentials, fresh underwear (46.3%), lingerie (44.2%) and nylon stockings (34.3%) are also a must for many escorts. Makeup (41.3%) and chewing gum (40.5%) are also part of the basic equipment. So escort ladies pay a lot of attention to their external appearance.

Other items mentioned by respondents but not listed in the top 10 include massage oil, toothbrush, change, finger cots, deodorant, water bottle and others. Love toys such as dildos and vibrators were mentioned less frequently, as were latex gloves, pocket alarms, licking cloths, candles and bondage ropes.

The survey results show that escort ladies place great importance on protecting themselves and their clients, appearing well-groomed on dates, feeling comfortable and being prepared for any eventuality. Of course, these results are limited only to the escorts surveyed and are not representative of all.

However, it is clear that escorts place a high priority on their health and safety and want to minimize the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Using condoms and lubricant can help reduce the risk.

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Sex toys also play a role with escorts

It is also interesting to note that escorts pay attention to their appearance and strive to appear well-groomed and attractive on dates. This can also help to increase the confidence and satisfaction of their customers.

Although sex toys were not rated as essential in this survey, this does not mean that escort ladies do not use them. It is important to note that every escort has different preferences and tastes, and sex toys may play an important role in some cases.

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Overall, this survey shows that escorts and escort agencies pay attention to many different factors to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for themselves and their clients. It is important that they have the necessary tools and utensils to do their job safely and successfully.

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